Sunday 27 March 2016

Too late for this year....but maybe next?

Have you ever thought of embroidering eggs? Me neither, until I came across some amazing examples including these by Inna Forostyuk, a Ukranian embroiderer.

Mary Corbet's  website is one of many that will take you through the process with wonderful photos and tips and techniques.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Have you ever wondered?

Have you ever wondered about the origins of yarn bombing?

This is an interesting short TED Talk video by the textile artist Magda Sayeg about how the yarn bombing phenomenon started.

It includes some great examples of the art around the world

Such a great day!

Our first Playday of the year was held recently at the Waramanga venue. With plenty of space and a convenient kitchen we were able to dabble in three different activities: 'AlterEgo' dyeing of devore , Shibori and other techniques with Genesis Liquid Radiance paints, and brush techniques for fabric painting.
This was a great opportunity for exploring, learning and having fun with great results at the end of the day.
Sue made a welcome visit to the group and here she is
explaining the process of devore dyeing at the beginning of the playday.
The action in the kitchen,two-tone dyeing of devore  scarves.

Robyn Dhowed us a variety of ways to use the versatile Liquid Radiance dyes,
but especially  a form of shibori, where the items were placed over plastic tubes.
Liquid radiance dyed items drying in the sun to take advantage of the photosensitive qualities of the dye.

Lynne drawing with Derwent Inktense colour sticks
while Dell practises some of the water colour style
brushstrokes from Alyson’s demonstration.

Anne and Meg  trying out some fabric painting
brush technique

This was a very successful day due to the efforts of a number of members. A great thank you to Sue for her organisation of the day, to Lynne for organising the venue, to Alyson, Robyn and Sue for demonstrating and sharing their knowledge, and for all the participants who were willing to try new things and share their successes and failures.